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perjantai 15. elokuuta 2014

Panopticon - A Throwback To A Greater Time

It's time to talk about my all time favourite album: Panopticon by ISIS. Ipecac Records put out a remaster to celebrate Panopticon's 10th anniversary earlier this year and I've been going back to that numerous times during the summer. To me the remaster wasn't such an improvement over the original as I thought it would be (considering the Celestial remaster a few years back from ISIS) but of course I enjoyed the album as much as the good old Panopticon from 2004. All the changes I noticed after a good amount of listened between the two versions was that the synths seemed to be clearer and more upfront in the remaster and some of the vocals seemed to be pushed down a bit. 

Anyway, I was here to talk about my opinions on the album itself. First of all I have to tell, the artwork of the album is absolutely and completely amazing and fits the themes of the album perfectly. Whenever I listen to the album all I can think of are industrial settings and blue (I wonder why??).

Panopticon starts out with So Did We, which I consider the epitome of ISIS to me. The structure of the song is beautiful. The creeping guitar sounds and tight drums accompany each other amazingly and the eerie but still aggressive vocals are nicely blended to not be the lead "instrument" of the composition. The so-called breakdown of the song where the harsh riffing cuts down and the clean guitar melodies paint a gorgeous landscape only to progress into the last crushing riff of the song which always send chills down my spine. At the end of the song I feel somehow pumped up for the rest of the album which I know is going to be as amazing as this was.

Backlit starts out a lot friendlier and progresses through the song with both quiet and loud points to a groovy break with and awesome baseline. The song also ends with a bang. Aaron Turners vocal performance is shining in Backlit as he changes back and forth with clean and harsh vocals. At this point I also have to mention the raw-like drum sounds which play a huge role in the album's grooviness. 

Next comes In Fiction which is one of the bands most notable songs with a great music video. The song's structure is a basic post-rocky post-metal song structure which starts out quiet and continues to grow until a breakdown which brings the song to ground level once again. I have to mention the moment when the drums shift to a hit on the snare rather than a sidestick is a great point in the song. The breakdown isn't the end of the song though as it teases you by raising the momentum bits at a time only to grow to a crushing guitar riff. The song ends by going back to it's opening motions, the clean melody.

The next song, Wills Dissolve is the shortest song in the album and it starts with an eerie clean motion followed by a groovy drum beat. The same theme continues with a distorted guitar and more heavy drumming. The vocals hit the song just barely after the four minute mark with a raspy clean melody. The rest of the song progresses to a heavy ending which crushes even harder than the earlier songs. 

Wills Dissolve ties well with the next song Syndic Calls which continues straight from where it was left. The guitar groove in the beginning has stuck in my mind since the first listens. The crescendo towards the end of the song is what post-metal is to me, distorted sound which somewhat still sounds like the most beautiful thing in the world. 

The opening riff of Altered Course shows how a good groove can be made with just a guitar and the drums. After the bass hits the song it becomes even more groovy. The song makes me nod every time I listen to it. Altered Course feels a lot more philosophical (if you can say that of an instrumental song) than the other songs. The melodies and the construction seem thought provoking and interesting. 

The ending track Grinning Mouths sums up all the feels of the album; the sadness, the energy and all the blue colour in the world. The song starts with a very creepy guitar melody.  When the heavy hits of crushing guitars and toms hit the scene only to carry the song on to the next section which - to everybody's surprise - isn't a crushing riff but a continuation of the creepy sound. Only after a brief break is the song lifted up and up to the heights of the sky. The tremolo melody leads the song to the heavy riffage and harsh vocals. After that comes the moment which is a very non-ISIS-like move; a sudden break to a strumming chord. The next riff is probably one of my favourites from the whole album accompanied by a perfect distorted melody. The same motif continues through the rest of the song which ends to a bang. 

That concludes my thoughts on Panopticon, an album so meaningful to me. I remember the day my brother introduced the album to me. The same day (or a couple days later) I just had to buy the CD and listen to it many times through. I can't wait to find an album to top Panopticon, though it seems highly improbable.



maanantai 7. huhtikuuta 2014

Indie Shoutout vol. 6

Night Lives is a fresh sound in the music scene of Joensuu, Finland. Their hardcore sound instantly triggers an image of the hardcore monster Converge in my mind. Night Lives released their debut LP titled Shadow Of Man this month. The album contains 8 strong hardcore songs with a bit of sludge and post-metal thrown in the mix for some personality.

I had heard of Night Lives in early 2014 when I heard a couple of songs from the upcoming album from their bandcamp-site.

Shadow Of Man is divided into 2 sides as it's only released as vinyl and digital download (links below). The A-side starts with a track called No Dawn which demonstrates the band's contrast-filled sound of hardcore and post-metal. The second track Burn Tradition was probably the first track I heard of this band. This track brings more of that hardcore punk element to the album which then continues in the track Vows. Strong riffs and the vocal sound accompany each other through the track which ends on a melodic and melancholic lead guitar melody/riff. The last track on the A-side is called Break which is pure Converge-styled HC.

We then switch to the B-side which starts with a mellow and eerie intro to the song First Tide. The song develops into a huge crushing explosion. The song then connects itself to the next track Last Wave which continues with the energy-filled punk riffs. After that the record calms down to the title track Shadow Of Man which starts with a cello intro giving the song some distance from the rest of the album. Shadow Of man is clearly my favorite track of the album as it sticks out the most of the eight songs. The last song Dawn is a slow closing track that has a lot or melodic guitar leads and post-metal-ish crushing.

Over all the album reminds me a lot of the epitome-record Jane Doe of Converge. I will definitely check Night Lives out in Ilosaarirock this summer

Shadow Of Man is available for download for only 6€ @ nightlivesband.bandcamp.com.

- Matti

maanantai 13. tammikuuta 2014

Garage Festin fiilistelyt! - Big feels @ Garage Fest

Kävin lauantaina fiilistelemässä Kerubin Garage Festissä Death Hawksia enkä ole vieläkään päässyt yli bändin ylivoimaisesta live-esiintymisestä! Happoisen psykedeeliset progekappaleet iskivät kovaa ja syvälle. Soundi-lehti ei turhaan valinnut Death Hawksin kakkosalbumia vuoden 2013 parhaaksi kotimaiseksi albumiksi; bändin lavaolemus ja kappaleiden tiukka progressiivinen soundi ansaitsevat arvostuksensa.

Olin koko keikan ajan aivan fiiliksissä lävitseni tunkeutuvasta musiikin virrasta ja pyrin vain antautumaan musiikin katkeamattomalle tunnevyörylle. Koko yleisö tuntui olevan kuin transsissa.


Last Saturday I went to Kerubi Garage Fest to see and feel Death Hawks and I've yet to get over the band's outstanding live-performance! Their acid-filled psychedelic prog songs hit me hard and deep. The Soundi -magazine didn't pick Death Hawks' second album as the best Finnish album of 2013 in vain; the band's stage presence and tight progressive sound surely deserve it's appreciation.

I was super hyped all trough the show from the flow of music going through me and I just tried to surrender myself to the continuous flow of feelings I received from the music. The whole audience seemed as if in a trans of some sort.

lauantai 7. joulukuuta 2013

A little about my soloproject

I started writing songs like almost 5 years ago when I was in junior highschool. At the time I didn't have my own guitar or anything... I had to resort to my dad's old acoustic guitar (which my brother had actually used for composing some post-rock a few years backwards) and Guitarpro 5. My first songs were not that good (well I guess you can't expect to write masterpieces right away). With time I got better and got used to writing with my equipment. I experimented with different genres and styles differing from electronic to rap to metal and even some classical-influenced but somehow post-rock and post-metal just stuck with me.

A photo of me with my acoustic Landola from early 2012

In early 2011 I had bought my first electric guitar and even upgraded to GuitarPro 6. I started composing and arranging my first album. Some pieces didn't fit to each other and some of the songs were not yet completed when I decided to record the album. During 2012 I had recorded Remedy (part.1) with my brother. I bought some recording equipment and started working on the recordings in November 2012 and decided to try to release it in time for Christmas as a present for my girlfriend. I composed Remedy (part.2) during the recordings and the whole Solitude, My Friend song was an experiment I did one day with recording different sounds on top of an ambient pad loop. 

The concept of the album kind of wrote itself. The songs tell of my loneliness in junior high when I didn't really have many friends and the title of the album Remedy For Solitude refers to my girlfriend who I got to know during my last year there (and we've been together since). 

Front and back cover of my album.

Only 10 physical copies of the album were made and I numbered them by hand

I've been working on new songs for a second release but I feel like I'm having a writers block as I have to write and do everything alone. Finding bandmates would help much with writing. 

You can download my album for free at bandcamp (http://untoldmemories.bandcamp.com/) and follow me in facebook (https://www.facebook.com/untoldproject). By donating money you can help me get new equipment to help me with the next release. 

I really don't feel like translating this all to Finnish :S 


Peace and ΓΟΛΕ

tiistai 3. joulukuuta 2013

Indie Shout Out vol.2

Toinen loistava löytö tänä syksynä oli suomalainen yhdenmiehen bändi/projekti Stars As Lights, jonka uusin julkaisu As If Time Had Stopped on huikea kymmenen kappaleen post-rock teos, jossa jokainen kappale kertoo oman tarinansa.

Stars As Lights on jyväskyläläisen Lauri Paavolaisen sooloprojekti. As If Time Had Stopped on kaikkine post-rock -kliseineenkin juuri täydellinen taidepläjäys minunlaiselleni musiikin ystävälle. Albumi erottuukin joukosta edukseen juuri sävellyksen ja tuotannon puolesta. Koko albumi on rauhoittavan kaunista kuunneltavaa alusta loppuun eikä yksikään kappale kuulosta samalta. Albumin kokonaisuus tuo mieleen Explosions In The Skyn alkutuotannon.

As If Time Had Stopped kuuluu ehdottomasti tämän vuoden parhaimpien post-rockjulkaisujen joukkoon Sigur Rósin ja God Is An Astronautin uusimpien albumien rinnalle.


Another great discovery from this fall was the Finnish one-man-band/project Stars As Lights whose newest release As It Time Had Stopped is an immense ten track post-rock work in which every track tells its own story.

Stars As Lights is the solo project of Lauri Paavolainen from Jyväskylä, Finland. As If Time Had Stopped is just the perfect piece of art for a music lover like myself even with all its post-rock cliches. The album sticks out from the crowd with its amazing compositions and production quality. The whole album is restfully beautiful from the beginning all the way until the end and none of the songs sound too much alike. The album as a whole brings to my mind the earlier works of Explosions In The Sky. 

As If Time Had Stopped belongs easily to the top post-rock albums of the year alongside the new albums by Sigur Rós and God Is An Astronaut. 


Also the artwork is absolutely amazing! :)

- Peace And ΓΟΛΕ 

Indie Shout Out Vol.3

Tamperelainen Consciousness Removal Project (lyhyesti CRP) on soinut jo useamman vuoden iPodissani enkä vieläkään ole kyllästynyt Antti Loposen projektityylisen bändin tuotoksiin tippaakaan. CRP luo uskomattomia tunneilmauksia äärimmäisen taitavasti tuotetuilla albumeillaan (joita bändin katalogista löytyy jo 5 ja lisäksi aikaisempia albumeille päätymättömiä yksittäisiä kappaleita). Uusin albumi Tacit julkaistiin tämän vuoden alussa. Itselle tämä albumi on alkanut aueta vasta viime viikkoina (sen jälkeen kun luin albumin tarinan CRP:n sivuilta (http://consciousnessremovalproject.com/)).

Tacit tuo projektin post-metal-tyyliin uusia kokeilullisia piirteitä elektronisesta, ambientista ja jopa dronesta. Jokainen kappale tuo jotain uutta mukaan ja albumin kohokohta Colossus III: Deadlock luo käännekohdan, jonka jälkeen loput kappaleet käyvät läpi kauniita tunnemaailmoja. Koko albumi loppuu yli kymmenminuuttiseen progressiiviseen ambientvaikutteiseen kappaleeseen The Unknown Known, joka huipentuu post-metalriffittelyyn ja albumin ainoaan vokaaleja sisältävään motiiviin.

Myös CRP:n aiemmat albumit The Last Season, Do You Ever Think It's The End Of The World, 852 ja bändin nimikkoalbumi tuovat levy levyltä jotain uutta CRP:n tyyliin syvällisillä konsepteilla ja äänimaailmoja laajentamalla. Joka levyltä löytyy vierailevia muusikoita, jotka rikastavat albumien musikaalisuutta.

Arvostan Consciousness Removal Projectin etumiestä Antti Loposta sekä säveltäjänä, että taiteilijana ja odotan innolla projectin seuraavaa albumia, joka lienee odotettavissa ensi vuoden puolella.


Tampere based Consciousness Removal Project (CRP for shortened) has blasted in my iPod for several years already and I have yet to be bored by a single piece of art by this project-like band of Antti Loponen. CRP creates unbelievable expressions of emotions accompanied with skillful productions on their albums (which the band has already 5 in their catalog plus earlier songs that have not been released on albums). Their newest album Tacit was released in early 2013. For me personally the album has opened its true meaning only during these few weeks (after I read the story behind the album at their website (http://consciousnessremovalproject.com/)).

Tacit brings new experimental traits from electro, ambient and even drone to the projects post-metal style. Every single track adds something new to the mix and the highlight of the album Colossus III: Deadlock marks a turning point after which the rest of the songs undergo beautiful worlds of sensation. The whole album ends with a ten minute progressive ambient-influenced track called The Unknown Known which culminates to slow post-metal riffs and the albums only part with vocals.

Consciousness Removal Project's earlier albums The Last Season, Do You Ever Think It's The End Of The World, 852 and their self-titled album add something new to their style album by album with deep concepts and expanding soundscapes. Every album has quest musicians who enrich the musical traits of the albums.

I respect the frontman Antti Loponen of Consciousness Removal Project both as a composer/songwriter and a respectful artist and I'm eagerly waiting for their next album which can be expected to be released sometime during next year.


Cheers to CRP and everyone who respects them as much as I do
- Matti

maanantai 2. joulukuuta 2013

Come On Die Young

"Of all I knew,
I held too few
And would you stop me,
if I tried to stop you?

Old songs, stay till the end
Sad songs, remind me of friends
And the way it is, I could leave it all
And I ask myself, would you care at all?

When I drive alone at night, I see the steetlights as fairgrounds
And I've tried a hundred times, to see the roadsings as day-glo

Old songs, stay till the end
Sad songs, remind me of friends
And the way it is, I could leave it all
And I ask myself, would you care at all?"

Mogwai - Cody


The saddest song I know, Cody had an instant effect on me when I first heard it when I was like 14 or 15.

The line "Old songs, stay till the end, Sad songs, remind me of friends" stuck in my head for eternity and even today is one of the most inspirational piece of lyrics I've ever stumbled upon. 

New guitar cover up on youtube

Uusi kitaracoveri on katsottavissa ja kuunneltavissa youtubekanavallani


New guitar cover is up for views and lisnenings on my youtube channel

- Matti

sunnuntai 1. joulukuuta 2013

Catch of the year - Vuoden löytö

Tämän syksyn uskomattomin musiikkilöytö minulle oli jyväskyläläinen ∞ (lausutaan eight), joka yhdistelee post-rockin maalailevaa puhtautta ja post-hardcoren aggressiivisuutta - ja vielä suomeksi laulettuna! Bändin noin vuosi sitten julkaistu albumi Näyt Kauas on ladattavissa bandcampista (http://eightband.bandcamp.com/). Myös bändin aiempaa tuotantoa löytyy samalta sivulta.

Näyt Kauas on sekä musiikillisesti, että lyriikallisesti kaunista kuunneltavaa. Erityisesti minuun kolahti kappale Elä Sinä Minusta, joka alkaa hiljaisella introlla ja kasvaa seuraavaan kappaleeseen johdattavaan loppuun.

Elä sinä minusta 
huoli talven synnystä 
tampereen kohdalla. 
Riitteen muutosta järveen 
ovatko kaikki 
ennättäneet jo etelään 

Albumin toinen kappale Hetki Jolloin Emme Tienneet Mitään Toisistamme on selvästi post-metal -vaikutteinen ja jaksaa viihdyttää kuulijaa koko seitsemän minuutin keston.

Bändin lyriikat ovat ovelia ja saavat ajattelemaan niiden oikeata tarkoitusperää. Omien tulkintojeni mukaan lyriikoiden keskeisimpiin teemoihin kuuluu yksinäisyyden kuvaus. 

Odotan innolla mitä ∞ saa aikaan tulevaisuudessa ja suosittelen kaikille pienempienkin bändien tukemista. 
My most unbelievable new discovery this fall was a band from Jyväskylä, Finland called ∞ (pronounced eight) which combines artistic purity of post-rock with the aggressive motion of post-hardcore - and they sing in finnish! Their album Näyt Kauas which was released a little over a year ago is available for download at bandcamp (http://eightband.bandcamp.com/). Their older works are also available on the site.  

Näyt Kauas (Finnish for You Appear Afar) is both musically and lyrically beautiful to listen to. Especially the track Elä Sinä Minusta (I wont be translating the names or the lyrics because they can have many meanings and i don't want to upset the band for translating their visions wrong) affected me greatly. The track begins with a quiet intro and builds up into an end which leads to the next track. 

lyrics for Elä Sinä Minusta: 

Elä sinä minusta 
huoli talven synnystä 
tampereen kohdalla. 
Riitteen muutosta järveen 
ovatko kaikki 
ennättäneet jo etelään 

The second track of the album Hetki Jolloin Emme Tienneet Mitään Toisistamme is obviously influenced by post-metal and it keeps the listener entertained for the whole duration of seven minutes. 

Eight's lyrics are genius and make the listener ponder about their real meaning. According to my own interpretation one of the biggest themes of the lyrics is solitude. 

I am eagerly waiting what ∞ does in the future and I deeply recommend everyone to support smaller bands.

Peace and ΓΟΛΕ

Comforting Sounds

Eka postaus! Pari päivää oon hiljaa mielessäni miettinyt musablogin aloitusta ja päätin kokeilla. En aio pitää minkäänlaista postausrytmiä, vaan postailen millon huvittaa. Ideoita postauksiin riittää aina top-10 listoista musiikilliseen fiilistelyyn, oman musiikkihistoriani valaisemiseen ja paljon muuta. En oikeastaan itse edes lue muita blogeja, joten tämä on siinäkin mielessä uusi kokemus.

Oma musamakuni ylittää kaikki genrerajat ja pyrin olemaan avoin kaikentyyliselle musiikille aina klassisesta nykymetalliin. Mitään tarkkaa lempibändi-listaa en aio tehdä, mutta muutamia eniten mun elämään vaikuttaneita yhtyeitä on Explosions In The Sky, ISIS, Mogwai, Opeth, Katatonia ja vaikkapa Devin Townsend (aika synkänpuoleiselta vaikuttaa EITS:iä ja Deviniä lukuunottamatta - pitäiskö olla huolissaan).

Mut joo - voisin kertoa hieman itsestäni; olen Joensuulainen 18 v. poika, joka ei voisi elää ilman musiikkia. Soitan kitaraa, laulan, sävellän ja ennenkaikkea kulutan musiikkia sekä kerään levyjä. Kitaraa olen soittanut ehkä nelisen vuotta ja biisejä oon vääntäny yhtä kauan. Oman sooloprojektini demo on ladattavissa ilmaiseksi bandcampista (http://untoldmemories.bandcamp.com). Demon julkaisin joulukuussa 2012 eräänlaisena joululahjana tyttöystävälleni (mut joo, ehkä jauhan Untold Memoriesista jossain toisessa postauksessa).

 Yup, That's me.

 Last.fm:ssä voit seurata minua http://www.last.fm/user/Masavain täältä ja kaveriksikin saa pyytää.


First post! I've been thinking of starting a music blog for a few days and now I decided to give it a try. I won't be posting regularly - only when I want to. I have a lot of ideas for future posts like top-10 lists, musical hyping, enlightening my personal history on music and many more. I hardly ever even read other blogs so this will be a new experience in that light also.

My musical taste extends over genre limits and I try to as open as possible for all genres of music ranging from classical to modern metal. I won't be doing a favouritebands -list but some of the bands that have had a significant effect on my life are Explosions In The Sky, ISIS, Mogwai, Opeth, Katatonia and Devin Townsend (quite melancholic except for EITS and Devin - Should I be concerned).

But oh well - I could tell you a little about myself: I am an 18 y.o boy from Joensuu, Finland and I couldn't live without music. I play guitar, sing, compose and above all consume music and collect albums. I've been playing the guitar roughly for 4 years and making songs as long. My personal soloproject's demo is available for a free download in bandcamp (http://untoldmemories.bandcamp.com/). I released the demo in December 2012 as a christmas gift for my fiance (but anyhow, maybe I will ramble about Untold Memories in other posts).

You can follow me in Last.fm at http://www.last.fm/user/Masavain and i will accept friend requests too.

Peace and ΓΟΛΕ