At first listen The Longest Year On Record seems like a breath of fresh air on a sunny but cold autumn day. The melodies and rhythms are both mellow and upright at the same time. The pace of the album seems to be carried by a change of energetic and calm parts.
The album's opener Manifest and Legion is a beautiful song which utilises the bands capabilities from the get-go. Groovy drums, beautiful guitar melodies and jazzy saxophone playing along with "the feels" of post-rock. The ending which consists of a rumbling wall of all kinds of drums and toms and such leads the song to the second track Small Fires which is an energetic piece. To me the only downside to this track is that at times the saxophone melody seems like it should be a vocal melody..only it's played on a sax. The highpoint is when the sax gets a little boost from a reverb and plays some high notes. Small Fires was a good choice for a single release. The third song Arecibo doesn't really bring a lot more to the table other than some crunchier bass-lines and a tad more distortion on the guitar.
Further down the album the song Severna hit me totally. This was the point in which I knew The Longest Year On Record was a good album. It starts off with a beautiful saxophone melody which then leads to the rest of the band coming along. The song has a great saxophone solo by Gilli. I also have to give credit to the drums on this track. The first half is groovy and the latter gives the song a lot of dynamic potential...I mean a LOT. The next song Constellation is also a favourite of mine. A great crescendo leading to a guitar melody that breaks out of typical keys to bring the song an interesting touch. The ending is another crescendo in the feel of the first one adding once again some great dynamic drum play.
The title track of the album comes second to last; after a beautifully constructed sort of an interlude-like song Broadway Ghost which carries the album onward nicely. The Longest Year On Record is yet again a very dynamic track. It doesn't really introduce anything new other than a tempo change and some chorus singing. A very enjoyable track which grows throughout the track.
The ending song Pure Alexia (is silent in this room) is almost a perfect ender in all it's subtlety. The sounds of the piano and the sax fit well together in this one. After the end I'm left with a great, refreshed feel of satisfaction. The only gripes I had with this album were minor out-of-tune saxophone parts (or maybe it's just me) and I wish the bass was mixed a tad louder.
All in all a great album and worth at least a download. A Troop Of Echoes has the album available for digital download, CD and an upcoming vinyl release. The download and order is possible through their bandcamp site @
- Matti